Trans pacific Hydraulics. Supports all types of service Cranes, Winches, Deck Equipment, Hydraulic system, and Drilling Equipment installed on the Drilling FSOs, FPSOs, Rigs, Offshore support vessels, Crane barges, Subsea vessels, Dredging vessels, Bulk Carriers, Container vessels, Oil tankers, VLCC and Bunkering Vessels.






Since customers hydraulic applications are wide and varied, the Company offers its equipment, components and systems to suit accordingly after careful study; aided by a vast background of practical experiences, academic knowledge, economic feasibility and sound engineering viability. Every application that the Company provides for its customers will reap the wanted utility, benefits and reliability that the customers pays for.
Today the Company is providing Sales & Services to undertake turnkey projects in the ASEAN Region.


The company has achived the following track records:-

1. One of the 1st locally designed hydraulics operated bunking boom for use on tankers operated by:-
a. Neptank Bunkers
c. BP
b. SPC
d. Caltex

2. TP-RACO Designed Ramp system used for car/ Lorries ferries operating in:-
a. Brunei- Kuala Belit
c.Miri, Malaysia- Kuala Baram
b. Male, Maldives
d. Sibu, Malaysia

3. More than Five Hundred (500) complete system shipsets of steering gear equipment for marine vessels under classification certification- NKK, DNV-GI, ABS, BV

4. Hydraulics transfer Equipment for use in:-
a. Oil pipes coating,- batam, indonesia
b. Drum Handler
c. Photographic Film Palletiser
d. Tilter, Mixers, Transfer Tables

5. Management of Fire Boat Construction for the Hong Kong Government, Fire Services, Department, mv Fire Boat 2

6. Hong Kong Marine Department and Hong Kong Fire Department:-
a. Telescope Hydraulic Floodlight Masts for the Rescue Vessel Command Boat CB1 & CB2 for Chep Lap Kok Internationl Airport
b. Collapsible / Foldable navigation Mast Systems
c. Steering & Hydraulic equipment for the tuen mun Fireboats
d. Rescue Hydraulic Equipment Systems for the Shenzhen Fire Boats

7. TR- RACO Designed Ramp systemm used for car / lorries ferries operating in:-
Brunei - Kuala Belait, Male, Maldives, Miri, Sibu, Malaysia and indonesia.


TRANS-PACIFIC HYDRAULICS PTE LTD has also its own design Department, manufacturing and comissioning programme for the following:
1. Standard and Customised Steering Geer Equipment up to 12.00 Tm
2. Ramp system for ferry and ro-ro vessels
3. Standard and Customizsed Power Packs and ring-main systems
4. All Sizes of Marine Cylinders for steering, hatch covers, ramps, cranes
5. hatch Cover Port Lifter Jacks, hyraulics Hatch Cleaning & locking cylinders

with international Classification Approvals & Certicates ( Eg. ABS, BV, DNV-GL, NKK) (Optional at Customer's Requests )


Our Trade mark TP_RACO tm Class 9 - Marine Equipment & Instruments For our fabricated equipment and systems

ISO 9001:2015

we are ISO Certified for Fabrication, Installation and Servicing of hydraulics Systems and componenets. Our Cartificate No. is CN-12830

biz SAFE Level 3

We fulfill the requirement and attain the government biz SAFE level 3 in workplace safety pratices.